Saturday, January 30, 2010

I just got home from work.

I was setting up a private party for a baptism...and then they called and cancelled. So, I sat at the bar for a bloody mary. I drove the Audi to work because my civic doesn't start when its cold outside. it drove really well and I gave a coworker a ride home because he had walked over a mile or something silly like that.

Reese's bandmate Ian is in town for their show tonight and I told him the name of my blog, "Just keep Sarzing." He's now listing off other titles such as "Sarz with the wind" "Finding Sarzy" "Sarzy and the beast" "Sarzarella" etc. "Sarz and the Hound" "Mrs Sarzfire" "Sarz Wars: The trilogy"

Any others?

Hold on let me uphold snow pictures...get ready for a lot of "awwwwwwwwwwww" ing.

oh it looks like they all posted at the top.

I bet you said "aw."

I think I'm going to watch Jennifer's Body???


  1. totally missed the story about the audi, is that reese's?

    sarz and the real girl?

  2. It was Reese's stepsisters, but the heat stopped working and to even diagnos a problem with the heater you apparently have to do a lot of extensive labor to get through dashboard, etc.

    Reese's stepsister has to drive to some special high school far away so his Stepdad gave her his truck and ended up buying a used beamer or something for himself.

    So, they asked Reese in September if he'd want it as a Christmas present (which is another reason we couldn't do Hawaii, because the car was his big gift instead of a plane ticket like they were thinking.)

    It's a 93, pretty nice and clean..but the sunroof doesn't work either..
